The Bible Society of Rwanda in partnership with the Bible Society of Germany donated Four Hundred Ninety (490) Scholarly books to the school of Grand Seminaire de Nyakibanda of the value above $19,000.

This support of religious books to the school, will play a significant role by allowing discernment of knowledge to students so that they may lead well the flock of God in the Rwandan community and elsewhere in the world.
This donation responds directly to the need of students of Grand Seminaire de Nyakibanda but also to the spiritual need of the community through these students who will be helping and leading them to Christ in the near future. It also respond to the mission and vision of the BSR which is to provide the Holy Scripture to every person.

Mgr. Papias Musengamana former lector at Grand Seminaire de Nyakibanda who is the current Bishop of Byumba Diocese in the Catholic Church, highlighted the importance and the value of the received books for the students and extended his gratitude to the Bible Society of Rwanda as well as the Germany Bible Society for distributing to them all these books.
He commended the support to the Seminary for the acquired adequate learning materials but also thanked the good relationship with the Bible Society of Rwanda and its tireless work to distribute the Holy scriptures to every person

Students also received these books with gratitude to both Bible Societies and said that it will help them grow in knowledge as they prepare to preach and spread the Gospel of Christ, so to uplift the kingdom of God among his people.
The Bible Society of Rwanda appreciates the role of the Bible Society of Germany throughout the processing of these books and this strengthens the existing good relationship with BSR.
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How do I get 3 printed copies of the Bible in Kinyarwanda? I am a Pastor and are beginning to get families who speak the language.
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