Our Work

Bible Translation and Production

We translate the Holy Scripture from the source languages to the local language which is Kinyarwanda spoken by all Rwandese. This work is done by making sure that the language is accurate, clear, natural, concise and acceptable to the community to use it. 

This work follows the mission of the Bible Society of Rwanda which is to provide the holy scripture to every person in the language and format each can readily understand and at an affordable price. The BSR works in close cooperation with all churches in order to fulfill this mandate. The following are the Bible translation projects worked on and produced for people to access them: (Bibiliya Yera, Bibiliya Ntagatifu, Bibiliya Ijambo ry’Imana +Diglot Bible)

Below are Translated and Produced Scriptures

We Distribute Bibles

We distribute the Holy scriptures for a wide reach.

Bible advocacy, Scriptures engagement & Holistic ministries

We Develop relevant and effective Bible advocacy, scriptures engagement and holistic ministry programmes.